Ten Tips For Interning At A Radio Station 📻


Our generation is one that thrives off of instant gratification but I have learned that those things are really temporary. If you are looking to get into radio whether that be producing, digital work, or being on air, although its a fun job you’re going to have to put in some work.

I was blessed with an amazing opportunity during my last semester of college to work at the nations number one Hip Hop radio station in New York City, Power 105.1. In the time that I spent there I learned a few “major keys” as Khlaed would say, that I would like to share with you all on how to be successful in the radio industry as well as a strong asset to any organization you may choose to work.


  • Positive Vibes 😎
    • People can read your energy. It is important that you come into work with a positive attitude no matter the task at hand. If you have the ability to work hard and brighten up a room, people will remember that, and being remembered is what is important.
  • Passion for the craft 📻
    • If you are not passionate about radio, or about the work that you are doing 9x out of 10 it will reflect in your work. When you love what you are doing, it doesn’t feel like work!
  • Creativity and originality 🎨
    • Bringing something new to the table is always a positive. We are always looking for new and innovative ideas to spread and talk about music, news, and whatever is trending.
  • Be in the Know 📉🌍👀
    • If you are going to work in radio you have to know what is going on in this world. We are now in an age were we consume so much information within 24 hours and then we move on. So it is important to be on top of all things trending in the news and on social media.
  • Treat everyone the same 🤝
    • I feel like this should be common sense, but I know common sense isn’t common for everyone. It is important that you treat everyone with the same respect. As you walk into the office greet and acknowledge everyone that you encounter from the security, to receptionist, to janitors, to the CEO of the company. Understand that everybody plays an important role.
  • Dress code 👢👔👗
    • The dress code is usually business casual/casual depending on the department that you work in at the radio station. Working in radio you never know who you may run into daily so it is important that however you decided to dress you look clean and neat. I typically would wear very urban clothing. (Fly shirt, jeans, and some sneakers)
  • Experience
    • Employers like hiring people who already have experience. Sometimes it’s hard to get an opportunity in the job that you want but with so much technology and with the internet you can start on your own blog, your own business, your own Youtube channel and use that experience to get you where you want to go.
  • Team player (Flexibility) 👭👬👭👬
    • My father use to tell me a solider can not win a war alone, it takes a unit, it takes a team. That being said, yes your contribution and work is important but you have to be a team player. This will not only help you but also those around you to work together smoothly to accomplish the same goal.
  • Persistence
    • Persistence, Persistence, Persistence, Persistence is key! Not all the days at work will be fun and not all the days at work will be easy, but you can’t let the bad times discourage you. As long as you acknowledge your failures and work in the areas that you lack, you will come out much stronger.
  • Be Yo Self! 🙇
    • Last but very well not the least, be yourself!! When you are an intern most likely you are still trying to find yourself and thats okay. So don’t try to wear or mask or pretend to be something that you are not. Your main goal should be to network and build relationships with people because you never who can be what in the future. So the best thing to do in that case is to be real with yourself so you can be real with those around you.

And there you have it!  Note that this all personal and based off of my own experience but I assure you that with these keys 🔑 you will be the best intern ever!